My motivation behind becoming a Marriage Celebrant is pretty simple – I got sick of being a guest at really boring weddings and knew that we could all do better!
My first ceremony was for one of my best friends and her now-husband who I introduced many years ago – on their 10 year wedding anniversary they decided to renew their vows and asked me to be part of it. Writing a heartfelt and fun ceremony and seeing them both so in the moment on the day, I was hooked. Their ceremony was the motivation for me to complete my Certificate IV in Celebrancy in 2014 and set-up my little love biz, Marry Me Nicky. Here I am today over 200 wedding ceremonies later using all of that experience to help couples create memorable and meaningful weddings ceremonies.
Prior to becoming a Marriage Celebrant I was part of the team at BridgeClimb Sydney for over 10 years. I’ve lived abroad (in London) but happily call “the shire” home today. When I’m not getting my Celebrant on I’m spending time with my family and friends. In 2008 I married the love of my life (in a stretch hummer in Las Vegas mind you – so not very celebrant-like!) and we now have a not-so-little-anymore daughter along with our much-loved pup, our British Bulldog, Vicky (yes we named our dog Vicky Surnicky). I’m sports mad, love my football (come on Chelsea!) and hold an appreciation for a quality craft beer despite my repeated attempts at becoming a #celebrantbeerinfluencer not quite reaching the heights I would have liked. I’m blessed to be able to call this my full-time gig and love the wonderful couples that I get to meet and the connections that we share.
So if you’re looking for a Marriage Celebrant who will approach your big day with the same amount of energy and enthusiasm that you have and who will tell your story in an engaging way that is unique to you both, please be sure to get in touch.
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